Athi varathar darshan statistics

Below is the list of athi varathar darshan statistics which held between july 1, 2019 to August 18, 2019. for 48 days.


2-Jul 70000
3-Jul 75000
4-Jul 45000
5-Jul 85000
6-Jul 116000
7-Jul 125000
8-Jul 115000
9-Jul 120000
10-Jul 150000
11-Jul 115000
12-Jul 130000
13-Jul 250000
14-Jul 150000
15-Jul 125000
16-Jul 120000
17-Jul 130000
18-Jul 275000
19-Jul 150000
20-Jul 170000
21-Jul 175000
22-Jul 150000
23-Jul 125000
24-Jul 140000
25-Jul 132000
26-Jul 230000
27-Jul 250000
28-Jul 300000
29-Jul 225000
30-Jul 250000
31-Jul 150000
1-Aug 175000
2-Aug 200000
3-Aug 220000
4-Aug 300000
5-Aug 320000
6-Aug 400000
7-Aug 410000
8-Aug 350000
9-Aug 300000
10-Aug 365000
11-Aug 450000
12-Aug 500000
13-Aug 400000
14-Aug 450000
15-Aug 350000
16-Aug 325000


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