
Showing posts from June 21, 2009

Inspiration - Keep watching keenly

In most cases silent observations makes a human to gain more experiences than gaining it by involving or by the results obtained by it. When pre-meditated to keep silence, it is worth for your career than what you did it in the past with non-stop roaring. During such moment, following are some of the TRUE statements which i came through during a situation. These words are came from a person(lady) who was known to me in just a single visit. This is my second meeting and it is more or less perfect calculation or assumption about a character and about the situation: Statement 1: Water can have its own volume. Statement 2: Administration is different from Management. Management depends on individual who leads and good management is not a team work, it results on a authoritarian personality. Administration is a team work and is more on process dependent. Statement 3: We rather government dont need to bother about the indian immigrants in other countries(or who forgot their grass roots in In...