Where the reading begins?

"Philosophy is not the real thing, and to be a philosopher is just to go astray".

It is not just easy to read a book fully. It is like a meditation. The writings should inspire you. Nonetheless the book shouldnt make you to leave it alone after reading few pages. Its just like that.
Bought a book of Osho in book exhibition and read from the start few weeks before, but i was like in no man's land and it just felt that i am reading it as if i am reading a newspaper without any interest.
Then again, i just moved the pages to get glimpse of it to search if anything strikes me to continue.
There came a pause and with the above mentioned lines i was taken aback. Ok let me start reading from this point. It is like a smooth take off in an highway without any toll plazas and motel stops.

Fantastic narration, which makes you to re-read.

The way philosophy and philosophers are explained is such true from my point of view being an athiest. It is truely an osho way.

Just go through this book.
Belief, Doubt, and Fanaticism - by Osho.


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